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This lesson deals with the importance as well as the search for and use of SAP BAPIs.
Business Objects and BAPIs
- The Business Object Repository (BOR) of the SAP system contains business objects. Formally, a business object is a class and corresponds to a SAP table or a table hierarchy. A Business Object has BAPIs (Business Application Programming Interfaces) as methods.
- You can call these BAPIs to access the corresponding table(s). Hence, a BAPI is a means of accessing the data of the SAP system.
BAPIs usually exist for basic functions of a business object, such as:
- . Creating an object
- . Retrieving the attributes of an object
- . Changing the attributes of an object
- . Listing the objects
The functions of a BAPI are encapsulated in a function module that can be called up remotely. Therefore, BAPIS can be called by ABAP programs of the same SAP system as well as by external programs.
There are standard methods in the form of BAPIs with standardized names. Some of the most important standard BAPIs are:
Standard BAPIs:
- GetList
- Returns a list of available objects that meet the specified selection criteria.
- GetDetail
- Returns detailed information (attributes) for an object (the complete key must be specified).
- Create, Change, Delete, Cancel
- Allows you to create, change, and delete objects
- AddItem, RemoveItem
- Adds and removes subobjects (for example, item for an order)
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